


Asana is the Sanskrit term for posture – but has evolved to mean the “physical practice” of yoga.

Adho Muhka Svanasana: Down Dog

Utkatasana: Cahir Pose

Trikonasana: Triangle Pose

Asana is only one of the  eight limbs that make up yoga.


Another limb practiced during a physical practice is Pranayama.

#Lettucebowandsay “Life force”

Pranayama is the practice of controlling breath – the rhythm and cycle of each inhale and exhale. Breath is our life force. In really simple terms, focusing and controlling breath has the power to change your life. 

Stay with me…

We do not consciously respond to threats. Threats are interpreted through a wide variety of situations – traffic jams, accidentally touching a hot pan fresh out of the oven, giving a presentation to a room full of strangers…

First: Your nervous system (body) involuntary reacts – but cannot decipher any further.

Second: Your brain might jump in and decipher the threat as frustration, fear, or stress…but that information doesn’t go any further. It simply remains a threat. 

So how can you tell your body you’re not in danger?

Your breath.

Controlling Breath Can Be Life Changing

It literally can change your life – from a small reaction to the bigger picture.

Breathing is an involuntary action – so if the body influences your breath, the breath will follow. But the same is true for the reverse. If you focus on your breath, it will influence your body to follow along. To regulate, decipher that many situations don’t require protection and allow your heart space to break free – open and receptive to anything.

Yoga changed my life. My asana opened the door to concentrate on my pranayama. And now I routinely practice because we never reach the end of the road. We are always faced with new threat and our body’s interpretations of threats. So I practice to stay a few steps ahead of my body. 

Flow with me!

Try it

Inhale in…1..2…3…4…

Exhale out…1…2…3…4…5…6…

Roll our shoulders away from your ears.

Broaden across your heart space.

Let it shine.

And Maybe Explore More of Your Practice:

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