Patience vs. Endurance


This one is all thanks to my teacher. Mid-death-defying heated, humid morning power flow she says,

I get really pissed off when people tell me to be patient. It ignites all of my competitive energy and instead, I want to build endurance.”

– Sam Arak


First, how could I possibly think about something so deep when the heat is coursing through my veins, the left over mascara is smudging into my eyes, I’m so hyper-focused on my breath to stay even and consistent, and my muscles are teetering on a fine line…?

Second, how is this so relatable to the bigger picture of my life right now?

I present to you: the gift of yoga.

I thought about it then, and have since mulled it over. And this is where I landed.

By Definition

Patience: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Oxford Languages

Endurance: the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.

Oxford Languages


“Be patient” has become an acceptable soothing phrase for ourselves or one another.

When things don’t go the way we had hoped, we tell ourselves to be patient until it does. When someone close to us is struggling, we offer patience as the hard times are bound to pass. When we look to the world for answers, we say be patient as the answers will find you. Directing emotion towards the unchangeable is wasted, so direct it towards the changeable and the rest will fall into place. 

Patience is passive. Patience is waiting.

It is such an important skill especially within today’s world. When we are stretched further with time, and not able to absorb all that exists outside our bubble, we lean on patience. When someone accidentally mistakes your coffee for theirs at the pickup counter. When a loved one’s focused is pulled in another direction. When an accident causes a traffic delay, we lean on patience. 

In my experience, patience is fundamental and a challenge. However, it is just a building block.  


But for the bigger, deeper, heavier things…why don’t we build endurance?

When things don’t go the way we had hoped, why don’t we tell ourselves to endure the disappointment, and that strength is what will lead us to hope? When someone close to us is struggling, why don’t we encourage them to endure the struggle because that strength is what will redefine struggle and find more contentment? When we look to the world for answers, why don’t we find the courage to explore and endure uncovering temporary experiences as they will lead us towards more permanent answers?

Endurance is active. Endurance is doing.

We can only be the product of our own actions, no one else’s. Patience will land us somewhere, but is that truly where we WANT to land?

The Shift

I’ve come to an interesting point in my life where I’ve subconsciously made the shift to endure rather than be patient. When she shared her own experience, my light bulb went off because I didn’t realize I was experiencing the same until that moment.

I am seeing change – the change couldn’t pinpoint a few months ago. I am feeling content even in times of chaos – the contentment I was in search of even though my surroundings were “picture perfect”. I know I am on the right path – the path that was hidden for possibly years. 

Up until this moment, I have been leaning on patience. I’m not perfect, and time to time, will get upset or frustrated and lose this patience. But it is rare. I have been patient with my life, experiences, opportunities, and timing. I try really hard to let things fall into place. The way that they are “supposed” to.

Early Morning Wake Up Call


HELLO early morning wake up call. Life isn’t passive! It is graciously handed to us, and only we decide how much to open the shades and let the light to pour in. Life is ACTIVE.

I am wide-eyed and enduring. It’s gonna get bumpy but so what. 29 years are already behind me, one more passive second is the true waste. Regardless of where you are in your journey, the same is true for you.

Think about it. Mull it over. But don’t wait for the lightbulb to go off.

Be active and shift your perspective. 

#Lettucebowandsay “Flip the switch”

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